Monday, August 18, 2014

Collar necklace

Hi guys
Today I'd like to show you how to make a collar necklace

Step 1: Draw a sketch ( this is not a sketch for the necklace I'm gonna present, but I didn't take a pic of it:( , so I'm just gonna show you a sketch from another one)

Step 2: Cut the sketch out, fold it half and make sure that both sides are equal

Step 3: Place the sketch on a felt, attach it with some safty pins so the sketch will hold still and redraw the shape on the felt.

Step 4: Cut it out, fold in half and agian make sure that both sides are egual

Step 5: It's time for creating a pattern, I decided to place 3 big rocks on each sides and bead the whole necklace with pearls. I used pearls with 3 different sizes and 3 different colors.

After many hours of beading I made this necklace:)


I used an additional felt layer on the back to cover threads

Hope you like it:)
